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Salesianische Sportspiele 2020 |
Eine sehr herzliche E-Mail mit guten Wünschen für die Vorbereitung der salesianischen Sportspiele erreichte uns von Don-Bosco-Schwester Elena aus Rom:
Dear friends & Organisers International Salesian Youth Games 2020 in Duisburg,
Dear President Mr Georg,
I am glad to assure you - for the celebration of Don Bosco tomorrow - of the best blessings and lots of prayer for the organisation & preparation of the youth sport event next, so dear to our heart...!
I thank you for the Salesian work of education through sporting activities you are doing with your collaborators and I ask the Lord to bless you all.
Looking forward to meeting you all at the end of April, receive my affection and prayer,
Sister Elena
Elena Rastello fma - Ambito internazionale per la Pastorale giovanile - Casa generalizia Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice, Roma
Zuletzt geändert am: 30.01.2020 um 17:27